Sunday, December 30, 2012

Part Time JOB

Part Time Job:


- terbuka kpd smua peringkat pengajian (SPM-Diva)
- start 31 Jan- 6 Feb 2012 ( 7 hari)
- Tempat Stadium Bukit Jalil
- Penginapan dan makan minum sepanjang 7 hari di sediakan
- Good performer boleh sambung contract next month untuk negeri seterusnya (Stahun pusing satu Malaysia)..
- Gaji 1 hari RM70
-meeting terdekat akan di buat untuk jumpa semua staff...
- kerja- Jadi duta IKS (Usahawan) then promoting product tempatan

Nama Program: Bazaar Bergerak 1Malaysia (Concept MAHA) kerjasama dengan kementerian

Contact: Hamizi Hamid, 017-6235348 @ 0193936031

Tarikh tutup tawaran: 15/1/2013
Terhad kepada 100 orang sahaja...
NO BOOKING... yg confirm sahaja di terima..xnak book2...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Konvokesyen UiTM ke 77- Sidang 10 – Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat dan Fakulti Undang-undang

Gambar 1: HH menerima anugerah dari Pro-Canselor, Dato Wira

Gambar 2: Senyuman terukir tanda kegembiran di hati

Melakar sejarah apabila hari yang dinanti  telah pun tiba. Konvokation telah pun berlansung pada 28 November 2012, Rabu jam 7.30pagi di Dewan Agung Tunku Canselor (DATC), UiTM Shah Alam. 

Penantian selama 2 tahun lebih ini telah membuahkan hasil apabila HH telah berjaya menamatkan pengajian dalam Kursus Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) Pengurusan Maklumat dan Perpustakaan. 

Pada hari yang bersejarah ini, HH dihadiri oleh 2 insan terpenting dalam hidup HH iaitu ayahanda dan bonda tercinta. Kehadiran mereka bagaikan penyeri bagi hari penuh bermakna buat HH. Walaupun bonda dalam keadaan serba kekurangan tanpa kaki kanannya akibat pembedahan kencing manis pada tahun ini, namun bonda tetap gagah dan tabah meniti hari-hari bahagia buat anakanda bersama. Terima kasih bonda. I love you so much.
Gambar 3: Sempat bergambar keluarga, sehari sebelum konvo

Buat pengetahuan semua, HH telah menyediakan 7 jambak bunga untuk di hadiahkan kepada insan istimewa sepanjang HH belajar. Pertama sekali bunga yang paling besar adalah milik teman istimewa  D’Gojess Waras, pemberian bunga ini khas untuk D’Gojess kerana selama 5 tahun D’Gojess bersama susah, senang, suka, duka segalanya bersama HH dan D’Gojess. Susah untuk di terangkan, namun HH berasa gembira kerana kehadiran D’Gojess dalam hidup HH membawa berjuta erti dan terlalu bermakna. Walaupun banyak rintangan, dugaan dan cabaran yang menduga kami, namun D’Gojess masih tetap bersama HH untuk melayari badai menara gading. Ikatan yang telah tersimpul ini, biarlah terus tersimpul dengan kuat tanda kasih sayang antara teman selamanya. Kehadiran D’Gojess telah menjadikan HH diri sebenar dalam pencarian yang HH sendiri tidak pernah bertemu nokhtahnya. HH bangga dengan D’Gojess kerana HH menjadikan D’Gojess sebagai sumber inspirasi HH dalam segalanya. Susah untuk HH melupakan yang sebenarnya, yang terukir di bintang itu sebenarnya adalah teman sejati HH iaitu D’Gojessy. Beliau seorang bintang yang bersinar tatkala HH berada dalam kegelapan. CAhayanya membimbing HH dan membawa HH ke jalan yang di tuju.Terima kasih yang tak terhingga buat sahabat tercinta. NikAzwan Bin Nik Mustapha (D’Gojess Waras). Love you dear

Gambar 4: D'Gojess dengan Segulung Ijazah

Jambangan kedua HH hadiahkan buat rakan dan teman seperjuangan Si Rama-rama. Jambangan ini membawa erti penghargaan dan kasih kepada sahabat yang banyak memberi teguran, tunjuk-ajar dan bimbingan selama HH berada dalam kegelapan dan kebuntuan. Sukar untuk bertemu rakan yang mengasihi kita sehingga sanggup bersama, menegur dan membimbing kita untuk ke jalan kebaikkan, namun peluang itu telah dianugerahkan Ilahi buat HH dengan bertemu Si Rama-rama iaitu Nadiah Shahrum. Si Rama-rama bagi HH merupakan seorang insan yang sempurna, baik dari segi agama, perilaku, dan sikapnya, dari lubuk hati, HH sungguh mengagumi Si Rama-rama, berkaliber, bersifat pemimpin, rasional, gigih dan banyak lagi. Si Rama-rama merupakan ikon dan idola HH yang HH cukup kagumi. HH hanya mampu mendoakan si Rama-rama bahagia bersama insan tersayang dan berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Semoga Allah pertemukan “apa yang si Rama-rama mencari”… Amin Ya Rabb..

Gambar 5: Kenangan bersama Pn.Zaina, Nadiah, En.Zaihan dan HH semasa di Kem Kepimpinan Gen-LIS

Jambagan ketiga, HH hadiahkan buat Mr.President. Banyak pengalaman dan cerita HH dengan Mr.President dari zaman diploma lagi, tak sangka hubungan HH sebagai seorang sahabat bersama Mr.President mula akhrab semasa HH berada di tahun 2 diploma. Mr.President seorang rakan dan teman seperjuangan yang HH buatkan menjadi musuh dan persaing HH, maksud HH bukan lah dalam aspek yang negative, tapi dalam aspek yang positif. Contohnya HH menjadikan Mr.President pesaing HH dalam belajar, berpesatuan dan banyak lagi. Sungguh menarik, kejayaan demi kejayaan HH berkongsi bersama Mr.President, Mr.President ni seorang yang sukakan persaigan, dan persaigan itu boleh di lihat dengan mendalami hatinya, tidak semua orang mampu mendalami hati Mr.President, adalah sebab musababnya, HH pun tidak mampu mendalami sepenuhnya, tapi bagi HH, Mr.President masih menjadi teman seperjuagan HH yang tidak akan HH lupakan. Mr.President merupakan seorang pendengar yang setia dan kawan yang sudi mendengar masalah kita. Bila HH berada dalam keadaaan yang sangan haru dan hambar, sayu dek menanti hujan mengalir.. Mr.President sanggup mendengar rintikan hutan itu. Terima kasih Mr.President, atau lebih dikenali dengan nama Mohd Arif Bin Hasnan.

Gambar 6: Kenangan bersama Mr.President SMF di Kursus Kepimpinan Organisasi

Gambar 7: Hanya sebagai kenangan
Tiga (3) jambagan seterusnya HH hadiahkan buat teman seperjuagan Ammar Hayat, Atikah Lotffi dan Alya Farahin. Mereka antara sabahat yang memberi berjuta makna buat HH, sanggup membimbing HH dan membawa HH ke jalan yang betul bagi melihat HH meraih kejayaan bersama. Tangisan tatkala HH memikirkan perpisahan ini, HH merasakan keikhlasan, dan kejujuran persahabatan antara kita telah membentuk hubungan suci ini. Kalian menjadikan HH sahabat dalam segalanya. Sepanjang HH bersama kalian HH sungguh gembira dan bahagia. Banyak susah senang kita bersama. Apa-apa pun HH mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga. Semoga Allah sahaja yang dapat membalas kasih sayang kalian dan kesucian persahabatan kalian. HH gembira mengenali kalian. HH sayang kalian. Love you Ammar Hayat, Atikah Lotffi dan Alya Farahin (Apam Gebu).

Gambar 8: Atikah dan Alya ketika dalam perjalanan ke lawatan kelas ke Melaka

Gambar 9: Ammar Hayat ketika berlatih berlakon french
Jambangan terakhir HH hadiahkan buat adik junior yang baru meniti hari pengajian baru di UiTM Puncak Perdana dalam Sarjana Muda Pengurusan Sistem di Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat. Nama diberi Hafidz. Bunga ini ku hadiahkan sebagai tanda ingatan dan pesanan buat adinda, perjalanan meniti kejayaan bukan bermula dengan kejayaan dan kesenangan, tapi bermula dengan kepayahan dalam langkah pertama untuk mencapai beribu langkah. Ingatlah adinda, hidup ini ada kalanya kita di atas, ada kalanya kita di bawah. Tatkala kita di atas jangan lah terlalu takbur dan menindas teman di bawah, namun bimbinglah teman yang lain berada bersama di atas, dan tatkala kita di bawah, tangisan satu kepastian tapi usaha alas menjadi tangga untuk kejayaan. Ingatlah adinda, Allah hanya menguji hambanya dengan kemampuan hambanya sendiri. Allah tidak menguji hambanya diluar batasan hambanya. Buat adinda, selamat maju jaya dan HH doakan adinda berjaya dengan penuh kenikmatan ilmu dan hari bahagia.

Setelah habis jambangan bunga, HH dan D’Gojess telah menyediakan hadiah istimewa buat insan yang tercukup ISTIMEWA dalam hidup kami. Tanpa beliau, pengajian kami di UiTM Puncak Perdana pasti tidak akan berseri. Susah senang, kami bersama insan istimewa ini. Beliau seorang pensyarah Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat, beliau seperti ibu, kakak, teman dan sahabat tatkala kami bersama beliau. Beliau banyak memberi nasihat dan bimbingan untuk kami. Cinta, Kasih dan sayang beliau yang telah membentuk kami pada hari ini. Banyak kesedihan, kesusahan dan cabaran yang kami kongsi bersama. Biarpun dihalang oleh pelbagai tomahan dan cacian orang, namun beliau mempertahankan keikhlasan, kesucian, kasih sayang hubungan kami dengan beliau. Beliau merupakan IDOLA, IKON dan GURU kepada kami. Beliau adalah sumber inspirasi kami dalam segala bidang. Teringat pada pesanan beliau, apabila kami bekerja, jangan sesekali lupakan KELUARGA, kerana mereka ibarat “air yang di cincang tak akan putus”. Beliau banyak mencurahkan ilmu yang berjuta-juta kali kami menimba dan menerima. Menerima ilmu dari beliau ibarat menerima EMAS yang terlalu bernilai dan harga untuk tebusan dan balasannya, tiada nilai untuk kembalikan, kerana terlalu beharga. Buat Hot Mama tercinta, Puan Nor Zaina Zaharah Mohamad Ariff, terima kasih tak terhingga kerana sudi memilih kami insan yang serba kekurangan untuk hadir dalam hidup puan. Kehadiran kami seperti merundum banyak ujian dan cabaran dalam hidup puan, banyak tomahan, cacian dan dugaan melanda puan. Tapi puan ikhlaskan demi kasih dan sayang puan buat insan serba kekurangan seperti kami. Puan memang tiada tolok bandingnya. Kehadiran puan adalah tanda CINTA dari ILAHI buat kami. Kehadiran puan membawa berjuta makna dalam hidup kami. Perkenalan singkat ini menjadikan ikatan yang tersimpul ini akan terus tersimpul tanpa terungkai. Terima kasih CINTA kami, Puan Nor Zaina Zaharah Mohamad Ariff untuk segalanya. Sesungguhnya kami sayang dan cintakan guru yang terindah. Puan adalah GURU yang sempurna dan tiada tolok bandingannya. Terima kasih puan…

Dan untuk semua yang sahabat-sahabat handai.. thank you so much.. love all of you...

Gambar 10: Kami bersama insan tercinta: Puan Nor Zaina Zaharah

Gambar 11: Sempat bergambar kenangan, (dari kiri) HH, Nadiah Shahrum, Puan Nor Zaina Zaharah. Alya Farahin, Atikah Lotffi, dan D'Gojess Waras - Azwan Mustapha

Gambar 12: Meraikan segulung ijazah di Starbuck

Gambar 13: Gambar kenangan bersama rakan-rakan semasa mengambil jubah

Gambar 14: Bersama orang kuar fakulti, Kak Lin dan Bonda Noraini

Coretan dari HH, HH love all of you..

Monday, December 10, 2012

Money saving ideas for small businesses

ONE of the main concerns for small businesses is how to save cost.

Cost cutting can make the difference between success and failure for a business, particularly during tough, economic times.

A company needs to instil a culture of frugality and awareness to make a big difference in waste. If enough employees and managers can be trained to think this way, it will eventually become second nature.

Below are some basic tips on how to cut cost and ensure your business can operate more affordably.

1. Save power and money by turning off all lights and equipment that aren't being used. While this idea seems self-evident, many people and companies ignore it, leaving lights and computers on all night long. All electronic and electrical items can be switched off when not in use to save electricity and money.

2. Go green and cut down on power use and waste. A lot of initiatives used by businesses to go green can also be used to save money. Paper saving is one of these aspects. The office can save paper by printing out only necessary documents, using smaller font-size to help utilise lesser paper. Printing on both sides and sending the paper to recycle helps the environment and your finances.

3. Barter. Find other businesses in your area and barter your services. Bartering allows you to trade services with other business owners, which can save you money because you don't need to hire independent contractors. You also can set up an agreement with other business to refer clients to one another.

4. Buy used furniture. Buying used furniture and office equipment allows you to save money. New office furniture can get expensive, but you may find good deals shopping at a resale shop. To confirm you are getting quality furniture, check the furniture in person before you buy it.

5. Eliminate small expenses. Expenses that are considered small - like styrofoam cups for drinking coffee or water, and disposable plates used in the cafeteria can become substantial in the long run. To avoid this, replace all styrofoam with proper mugs, plates, and cutlery so they can be re-used.

6. Hire temp employees or contractors. Administrative costs can add up to major expenses for small business. Instead of hiring full-time, permanent employees, hire temporary, part-time employees or independent contractors. In most cases, you are not required to provide benefits for part-time employees or independent contractors.

7. Use a virtual office. Virtual offices are increasingly popular. A virtual office allows a business owner to possess a physical address and have access to conference rooms without paying the full price of renting commercial space. Many virtual offices provide a receptionist and use of office equipment in the rental price. You don't get the full benefits of renting your own office, but you can save a significant amount of money if you don't need to use office space often.

8. Share an office. If renting a virtual office is not an option, save your business money by sharing an office space with another tenant. Choosing an office space roommate who shares similar business interests may make the experience easier. If you use your office only sparingly, structure your rental payment accordingly.

Compiled by 1Klassifieds team

Credit to NSTP and Google Images
HH love all of you :)

Resolving conflict at work

Picture 1: Conflict at work

YOU can't win a conflict at work. Winning a conflict means getting the outcome `you' want regardless of what the `other' person wants. Since the underlying issue has not been solved, it will simply reappear later.

Much better than winning a conflict at work is resolving it. Unresolved conflicts make people unhappy at work and can result in antagonism, break-down in communications, inefficient teams, stress, and low productivity.

Here are essential steps to constructively resolve conflicts at work.

* Realize that some conflicts are inevitable at work. Whenever people are committed and fired up, or change, and new ideas are emerging, conflicts and disagreements are bound to happen. This doesn't mean you have to revel in conflict or create trouble just because it happens, but it means when conflict happens; it is not the end of the world. It can be the beginning of an interesting learning process. Conflicts mean that people care enough to disagree strongly. The trick is not to allow the conflict to go on forever.

* Handle conflicts sooner rather than later. Resolve a conflict when it starts, as it only gets worse with time. Conflicts at work arise not from something that was said, but from something that wasn't said! Everyone's waiting for the other to admit he is wrong, and gets more unpleasant after the conflict has stewed for a while. It is essential to interrupt the "waiting game" before it gets to that point.

* Ask nicely. If somebody has done something that made you angry, or if you don't understand their viewpoint or actions, simply asking about it can make a world of difference. Never assume that people do what they do to annoy or spite you. Sometimes there is good reason why that person does what he or she does (even the things that really get on your nerves), and a potential conflict evaporates right there. Make your inquiry just that - an inquiry, not an accusation of any sort: "I was wondering why you did `X' yesterday" or "I've noticed that you often do `Y'. Why is that?," are good examples. "Why do you always have to do `Z'!" is less constructive.

* Invite the other person to talk about the situation. A hurried conversation at your desk between e-mails and phone calls won't solve anything. You need an undisturbed location and time to address the issue.

Observe. Identify what you see in neutral, objective terms. This is where you describe the facts of the situation as objectively as possible. What is actually happening? When and how is it happening? What is the other person doing, and not least, what are you doing? You are only allowed to cite observable facts and not allowed to assume or guess at what the other person is thinking or doing. You can say, "I have noticed that you are always criticizing me at our meetings" because that is a verifiable fact. You can't say, "I have noticed that you have stopped respecting my ideas" because that assumes something about the other person.

* Apologies. Apologise for your part in the conflict. Usually everyone involved has done something to create and sustain the conflict. Remember: You are not accepting the entire blame, you are taking responsibility for your contribution to the situation.

* Appreciate. Praise the other part in the conflict. Tell them why it is worth it to you to solve the conflict. This can be difficult as few people find it easy to praise and appreciate a person they disagree strongly with, but it is a great way to move forward.

Compiled by 1Klassifieds team
Credit to NSTP

HH love you all :)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Managing heartburn

HEARTBURN, also known as acid reflux, is a condition that affects millions of people at all ages. The most common symptom is a burning sensation experienced in the throat or chest. Consistent acid reflux can cause severe damage to the sensitive tissues of the esophagus and throat.

Acid reflux is often caused by problems associated with an individual's lifestyle. Fortunately, most cases respond well to treatment with a combination of lifestyle changes. Below are some steps on how to manage acid reflux.


1. Change your diet. You should be aware of the foods that are causing you to have acid reflux. The foods that you eat can increase stomach acid levels if it is difficult to digest, or highly acidic. Avoid food items such as alcohol, caffeine, citrus fruits, tomatoes, fatty, or fried foods, carbonated beverages, spicy foods, or fatty dairy products. These foods will exacerbate the acid reflux.

2. Eat foods that are high in fiber. Increasing the fiber in your diet can help regulate the digestive system and may decrease

3. Eat meals slowly to avoid ingesting excess air. When the stomach fills with air, uncomfortable bloating and pressure can occur. When this air is expelled through belching, it may carry excess stomach acid into the esophagus and cause a burning sensation. By eating and drinking slowly, you can reduce the amount of air that is swallowed while eating.

4. Staying hydrated is essential to prevent excess stomach acid. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of excess stomach acid. Water has a neutral pH, meaning it is neither an acid, nor a base. When your body has sufficient amounts of water, it can naturally regulate the acidity of the stomach are disrupted and people may not follow their normal routines with regards to meals, exercise, etc. It is important to find ways to de-stress.

6. Exercise and keep fit. Excess fat in the abdominal area puts extra pressure on the stomach and can increase the symptoms of acid reflux. If you are overweight, you need to exercise to achieve a healthier weight control.

7. Contact your doctor for an accurate diagnosis of acid reflux. Frequent heartburn may be a sign of a more serious problem called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a chronic condition caused by irritating stomach acids that back up into the esophagus, the "tube" that links your mouth to your stomach. It is recommended that you consult a doctor first before engaging in any lifestyle changes and treatment.


Heartburn Food Remedy

* Aloe Vera has proven to be a good heartburn remedy. It has an alkalising effect on the body, to help neutralise acid, and can relieve heartburn. The juice is readily available in capsule or liquid form, and is sold in many pharmacies and supermarkets.

* Eat bananas. These food are known to be acid-neutralising agents. Bananas, are rich in potassium, a compound that can neutralizes gastric acids and digestive juices in your stomach.

* Drink herbal tea. Studies show that herbal tea such as peppermint, chamomile, and fennel tea have natural abilities to neutralise stomach acid. However do not consume hot tea, instead go for lukewarm tea.

* Chew on some apples. As the saying goes "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," Apples contain ingredients that neutralise excess acids in the stomach, and help minimise the production of gastric juices.

* Chew some gum. When you chew gum, you are promoting the production of saliva, which can flush out stomach acid and gastric juices.

* Over the counter antacid. Alternatively you can get over the counter drugs to relieve the pain. Antacid comes in pill or capsule form, and is available at drug stores and pharmacy. Over-the-counter medications will only reduce the symptoms of acid reflux disease and do not present a cure.

* If your acid reflux symptoms is chronic, contact your doctor and make sure your conditions are well treated.

Compiled by 1Klassifieds team

HH Love you all

Successful goal setting

NO MATTER who you are, there must be something you want to achieve in life. Maybe you want to be rich, have a good relationship with your loved ones, become a top student, drive a luxury car, or live in a big bungalow.

Whatever it is you want, goal setting is the key to help you achieve it.

Most people know what goal setting is and how it works. It is a process of writing your goals down but that is not the magic pill.

The key to successful goal setting is not just in setting your goals but what your do after that, like coming out with steps and strategies to help you reach your goals.

Many people fail to achieve their goals because they just write down their goals and hope it will materialise automatically.

If you are serious about achieving your goals follow these simple and powerful steps below and you are on your way :

1 Develop Strategies: Goals keep you on track and keep you focused. However, it is the strategies you take that will help you make your goals come true. Therefore, learn to develop strategies and action plan on how you can achieve your goals.

2 Take at least three action steps everyday after setting your goals: Nothing is going to happen without action. It is action that produces results. If you are not taking any action, your goals will never come true. Commit yourself to take at least three action steps to help you get closer towards your goals everyday.

3 Visualise and imagine the outcome after you have achieved your goals every night before going to sleep. Motivation is the key to keep you going and keep you motivated at all times.

4 Set Sub Goals: Make sure you set sub goals to reach your big goals. Take it one step at a time and be happy each time you reach a sub goal instead of being mad that you did not reach the big goal.

5 Surround Yourself: If your goal is not to give something up, but to obtain something, surround yourself with things that remind you of how or why you want to achieve this goal.

6 Tell The World: If you tell everyone you know at work, friends, people online, you have a large group of people to hold you accountable. It might not sound like the right reason, but sometimes you will be more likely to follow through with something if you don't want to look like a failure to others.

Always remember you are responsible for your own success. If you are not willing to take the necessary steps, you will never achieve what you want.

HH love you all :)

Credit to NST

Detoxification for health

HAVE you suffered any illness recently? Are you prone to consuming excessive alcohol or caffeine? Are you a smoker? Then you could consider detoxification.

Our body is designed to detoxify itself, but if we overload ourselves with harmful toxins, our body may not detoxify itself as much. Since it has become virtually impossible to eliminate these dangerous chemicals from our environment, the best is to cleanse your body of these chemicals periodically through detoxification process.

Detoxification is a process by which we cleanse our body of toxins and harmful chemicals. It involves dietary and lifestyle changes that reduce the intake of toxins and improve their elimination.

These toxins come mainly from diet, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and environmental exposure, that are difficult to remove.

The human detoxification system consists of the respiratory (lungs, bronchial tubes, sinus and nose); gastrointestinal (liver, gall bladder, colon); urinary (kidney, bladder, urethra), skin and dermal (sweat, sebaceous glands and tears) and lymphatic (lymph nodes and channels) systems.

There are many types of detoxification programme and all sorts of ways to cleanse the body of foreign substances and toxins, but a couple of those ways include full body detoxification, certain organ detoxification, and different types of flushes.

Here are some components of a detoxification programme:

* Water is the main detoxifying agent in our body. It helps to clean our skin and kidneys, and improve sweating through exercise. Many of us are chronically dehydrated, and doctors recommend a minimum of eight glasses of water daily.

* The next step is raw-food diet, which means the consumption of more fruits and vegetables and less of proteins and fat rich red meat, milk products, refined food and fried food. Adding fiber to your diet will help to detoxify your system regularly.

* Another important component of detoxification is regular exercise. Exercise relieves toxins from the body through sweat, and also helps in good bowel movement. Exercise improves our general metabolism.

* Regular bathing also helps the body get rid of toxins that accumulate on the skin, and opens the pores. Saunas and oil massages help the body to cleanse completely.

* By taking part in a detoxification diet programme, one can effectively restore their health to an optimal level. When the body can eliminate toxins, energy and vigour are revitalised.

* Other factors that must be considered in detoxification are: nutrition, water, exercise, rest, sunshine, and fresh air.

Overall detox diets can improve health and well being, just do your part to research which diet works best for you.

Credit to NSTP

This article copy from 1Classified Team, 6 Dec 2012

Blue ocean strategy for SME

IF YOU are an SME and caught in a tough business environment, what would you do?

Do you follow what the competition is doing, or do you move away and be a trail blazer?

If you follow the competition, you may fall into the Red Ocean, where competition is stiff but if you move away from it, and identify your own space, you will swim into the Blue Ocean and create your own uncontested market space, and at the same time, make the competition irrelevant.

To achieve this, you must create your own value proposition, rather than follow or benchmark the competition.

SMEs can gain uncontested market space, strengthen their position, and create sustainability by focusing on brand creation. That is the premise of "Value Innovation Programme for SMEs" to be launched at Grand Dorsett Subang, Petaling Jaya on December 12.

President of The BrandLaureate Dr KKJohan, said: "The programme will use Blue Ocean Strategy to help companies create new markets and recreate existing ones within a short time, at lower cost, and higher level of knowledge transfer and skill building.

The programme, jointly organised by The BrandLaureate and UCSI Blue Ocean Strategy Regional Centre (BOSRC), consists of a four-day workshop, over a period of two months. It is suitable for CEOs, CMOs, CFOs and senior management involved in brand building.

* Field Work

After each workshop, a twoweek field work exercise will be conducted for each brand, where the results will be validated, and made known to each organisation.

"By the end of eight weeks, companies will be able to chart a new path of growth for their brand, and develop the blueprint for execution".

Johan added: "The BrandLaureate and UCSI BOSRC strongly believe that SMEs have the potential and dynamism to rise above their status and move on to become emerging giants.

"What is needed is the right approach and support that leads to the creation of ideas and breakthroughs in business growth. Hence, the Value Innovation Programme for SMEs is a solution to help them realise their brand potential, and achieve leap frog growth."

* Dedicated Team

During the programme, a dedicated team of Blue Ocean Strategists with proven track record will guide participating companies on the right track to build their brands. Each organisation may send up to five participants for the programme, and they will have a lead Blue Ocean Strategy consultant, and a support staff.

This programme is not only restricted for SMEs but for any organisations who wish to grow their brands in an uncontested market space.

* Memorandum of Understanding

A memorandum of understanding will also be signed between The BrandLaureate and UCSI BOSRC on December 12, followed by a talk by two key Blue Ocean Strategy specialists Raj Kumar, the Director of Strategy and Innovation and Project Lead; and senior consultant David Noon.

Both have worked with many international corporations and SMEs in implementing the Blue Ocean Strategy.

For more information, call The BrandLaureate Secretariat at 03-77100348 or email info@thebrandlaureate .com.


The Importance of Brand Identity

AS the business environment gets tougher each passing day, how do small enterprises (SMEs) survive with limited resources and capacity? President of The BrandLaureate Dr KKJohan reiterated that Brands must have their own distinct identity which consumers can associate with.

"They must develop their brand to be the market leader, one that defines and sets the benchmark of excellence".

Professor W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, the authors of the Blue Ocean Strategy, pointed out that If we continue to benchmark the competition, we will end up looking like them, and consumers will not be able to identify the difference.

"Stop benchmarking the competition. The more you benchmark your competitors, the more you tend to look like them..." added Johan.

Credit to NSTP 1Classified Team and Google Images

HH Love you all

Practical Student at NSTP Series II

Hye kawan-kawan, berkisah tentang NSTP, kami di kejutkan dengan pelbagai aktiviti yang menarik sempena praktikal kami. Kebetulan, perancangan dan jodoh dari Ilahi, praktikal kami di temukan dengan Ramadhan.

Sepanjang Ramadhan, masa kami terisi dengan pelbagai aktiviti. contohnya:

Olympic Exhibition

Kami di bawa ke BSC (Bangsar Shopping Center) semasa awal bulan puasa bagi memenuhi kehendak praktikal dan pengisian kami. Namun kami menjadikan perjalanan yang di atur ini dengan lebih menarik dengan cara kami melakukan exhibition ini dengan cara kami yang lebih creative. Tujuan pameran ini adalah untuk memberi kesedaran tentang NIB, dan kewujudan NSTP-RC. Sebagai selingan, kami menawarkan pendaftaran percuma untuk menggunakan NIB dan mendapatkan bahan berita secara percuma melalu NIB. Lebih menarik, kami seolah-olah graduan marketing atau masscom, kami mempromosikan NIB dan buku ciptaan NSTP-RC (Lat's Collection, Tunku Abdul Rahman dan Nation Hood) dengan cara kami tersendiri. Kami mendapat lambakkan Dato-dato, bekas atlet, pengguna shopping center tersebut singgah ke booth kami, cukup mengembirakan. :) apapbila kami berjaya melakukan sales :)

Gambar 1: Antara liputan berita yang menggunakan panel NSTP-RC mengenai Olympic

Gambar 2: Sebahagian krew penyiaran

Gambar 3: Pengurus NSTP-RC (En.Ramlan Ramli) ketika bertemu bekas atlit Malaysia

Gambar 4: Sebahagian kecil lokasi pameran

Gambar 5: En. Ramlan Ramli menerangkan mengenai NIB dan Olympian Exhibition kepada tetamu yang hadir

Gambar 6: Antara bekas atlet negara yang turut hadir, bergambar sebagai kenangan

Lawatan Akademik dari Lim Kok Wing

Setelah selesai dengan pameran di BSC itu, beberapa hari selepas itu, kami di hadiri tetamu khas ke NSTP-RC, iaitu tinjauan dari anak pemilik Lim Kok Wing bersama mahasiswa dari Lim Kok Wing. Sebelum pertemuan itu di atur, kami di arahkan untuk mencari sedikit sumber mengenai Lim Kok Wing IPTS. Kami perlu mencari bagaimana mereka dapat melihat kepentingan RC kepada dunia pengajian mereka. Kami dan rakan-rakan RC telah berjaya menghimpunkan gambar, keratan akhbar mengenai Lim Kok Wing IPTS story. Pengurus NSTP-RC, En.Ramlan Ramli memainkan peranan penting dalam menyambut kehadiran tetamu dan memberi penerangan serba sedikit mengenai pengunaan NSTP-RC.

Gambar 7: Tekun mahasiswa Lim Kok Wing mendengar penjelasan En.Ramlan Ramli

Gambar 8: Penuh dan sesak menyaksikan serangan mahasiswa berjaya ini

Gambar 9: Gembira menyaksikan berita mereka di keratan akhbar NSTP, BH dan Metro

Gambar 10: Mengamit memori apabila salah seorang dari mereka menyaksikan gambar mereka di dalam koleksi NSTP-RC

Gambar 11: Layanan dan penjelasan, datangnya dari NSTP-RC

Gambar 12: Pelajar Internasional juga tertarik dengan NST
 Lawatan Khas dari Timbalan Perdana Menteri (TPM): Dato Muhyiddin Yassin bersama Isteri: Datin Norainee

Kami dikejutkan dengan berita kehadiran TPM ke NSTP, dan dikhabarkan berminat ingin singgah ke NSTP-RC gara-gara keseronokkan dan pujian melambung dari Perdana Menteri Malaysia (Dato Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak) selepas singgah ke NSTP sebulan yang lalu. Menurut Dato Najib, NSTP-RC ibarat lombong EMAS yang tidak boleh disia-siakan. Segala fakta dan berita terkini datangnya dari penerbitan harian surat kabar. Mernurut Dato Najib. NSTP seharusnya berbangga kerana NSTP-RC memiliki pentadbiran dan koleksi yang sungguh menarik. "Laporan Berasaskan Fakta" kata PM dalam ucapannya (

TPM, Dato Muhyiddin hadir bersama isteri bagi merapatkan hubungan dengan pihak pengurusan NSTP secara keseluruhannya dalam majlis berbuka puasa bersama warga NSTP. Kehadiran TPM membawa seribu erti apabila melangkah ke gerbang NSTP-RC, wajah kegembiraan warga RC menampakkan keserian pada saat itu. Melihat pada keratan akhbar, gambar dan pelbagai lagi koleksi TPM, Isteri dan keluarga, sungguh mengagumkan dan memeranjatkan kata Datin Norainee, katanya suatu hari nanti, beliau ingin semua gambar koleksi keluarga beliau untuk di jadikan simpanan peribadi dan kenang-kenagan.

Majlis berbuka puasa bersama TPM turut serta kanan-kanak dari rumah anak yatim dan persembahan ghazal dari luar.

Gambar 13: Persediaan sementara menanti kehadiran TPM

Gambar 14: Kehadiran TPM di sambut girang oleh En.Ramlan Ramli

Gambar 15: Gembira menyaksikan gambar keluarga dan isteri-TPM

Gambar 16: Keterujaan Datin Norainee menyaksikan gambarnya

Gambar 17: Gembira menyaksikan kejayaan keluarga dan suami

Gambar 18: Antara persiapan menanti TPM bagi majlis berbuka puasa

bersambung selepas ini :)

HH love you all